Antigravity yoga torino

Antigravity yoga torino

Pole dance turin

The pilates antigravity is practiced with a sort of rope of fabric, similar to a hammock, suspended to the ceiling and raised of approximately 15 cm from the floor. To the inside of this hammock they come then executed the exercises proper of the method pilates.

A lesson of pilates antigravity is developed in three phases: it is begun with the phase of heating, where it prepares the body to carry out the job, follows the phase centers them, where there is concentrated on the muscular strengthening, the equilibrium, the muscular lengthening, and the decompression of the rachis. Finally, in the last phase, called cooldown, we swing on the hammock, with soft lights, soft music and candles, for a total relaxation assured.

Pole dance grugliasco

This kind of yoga in flight, landed recently in Italy, originates from the fitness discipline AntiGravity created in 2007 by Chirstopher Harrison, gymnast, dancer and choreographer American, internationally famous for his collaborations with artists such as Rihanna, Pink, Mariah Carey, Kanye West, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and many others; he has created shows for the Metropolitan Opera House, Radio City Music Hall, six Broadway shows, numerous television specials for the Oscars and Grammys, as well as special performances for NFL and NBA games.

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Aerial fabrics chivasso

The pilates antigravity is practiced with a sort of rope of fabric, similar to a hammock, suspended to the ceiling and raised of approximately 15 cm from the floor. To the inside of this hammock they come then executed the exercises proper of the method pilates.

A lesson of pilates antigravity is developed in three phases: it is begun with the phase of heating, where it prepares the body to carry out the job, follows the phase centers them, where there is concentrated on the muscular strengthening, the equilibrium, the muscular lengthening, and the decompression of the rachis. Finally, in the last phase, called cooldown, we swing on the hammock, with soft lights, soft music and candles, for a total relaxation assured.

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