Ashtanga yoga verona

Ashtanga yoga verona

Bikram yoga verona

After two years she finally found the right studio for herself in Amsterdam, where she fell in love with the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa.    She soon realizes that the benefits of the practice are far from just the reduction of physical pain that had initially guided her search and is fascinated by the psycho-physical well-being experienced.

In 2019 she becomes certified in India by completing the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga instructor course at Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School, to which she adds further training in teaching Yin Yoga at Vedansha Yoga School and Aerial Yoga.

Elios yoga verona

Insegno anche altri stili di yoga tra cui Yin Yoga, che si concentra sulla stimolazione della fascia (tessuto connettivo), calmando il sistema nervoso parasimpatico, promuovendo la guarigione e incoraggiando la consapevolezza e la coscienza del corpo.

Namaste ॐ. Il mio nome è Brittany Bunce.  Sono sudafricana ma da febbraio 2017 vivo a Verona, in Italia.  Lo yoga è la mia più grande passione e il mio modo di vivere. Lo yoga ha veramente trasformato la mia vita e le ha dato un significato più profondo. Questo mi ispira a condividere questa meravigliosa pratica con i miei studenti.  Il mio viaggio con lo yoga è iniziato nel 2003 ed è stato amore a prima vista! Tuttavia, mi sono veramente innamorata perdutamente durante il mio primo viaggio in India nel 2007… da allora sono tornata diverse volte per viaggiare e praticare yoga. Ho completato corsi di formazione per insegnanti di yoga con la mia scuola di yoga a Goa India (Trimurti Yoga) in Vinyasa Flow (RYT 200) e Yin Yoga (RYT 100). Ho anche completato un corso di formazione in Ashtanga Vinyasa/ Iyengar alla Abhinam Yoga School (RYT 30). Sono sempre una studentessa devota e prendo lezioni, allenamenti e workshop con insegnanti di tutto il mondo ogni volta che posso – la saggezza e i doni dello yoga sono infiniti e lo sono anche le opportunità di apprendimento.

Yoga quinzano verona

To be luminous in thoughts and actions, to be at peace with our life, without desiring this or that thing, to learn to know ourselves and to act in the movement of life, these are the rules of life that Yoga proposes.

Asana (positions), Kriya (purifications), Pranayama (the breath that heals), Mudra (sacred gestures), Mantra (sounds and vibrations), are the tools that we use to find the quiet, the centering of the mind and the presence in a healthy body vibrating with vital energy.

Following the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian art of keeping the body and mind healthy and efficient, seasonal purifications called Kriya are proposed. The periods indicated for detoxification are: September, December, March, June. At the Yoga Institute is proposed the Kriya Shank Prakshalana.

Hatha yoga verona

Along with other practices, disciplines, courses and per-courses of self-discovery awareness such as PILATES , MEDITATION, RIO ABIERTO, BIODANCE, SOUND MEDITATIONS AND MORE, the Maya Center offers meetings, conferences, theme nights.

From 2015 to 2018 he followed a three-year training course for teaching yoga at the Yoga Darshan Center in Toscolano Maderno (BS) with the teacher Lorenza Ferraguti, direct student of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. At the same center, in 2017 she completed a master for teaching yoga to children and adolescents and in 2017-2018 two master for teaching meditation techniques.

As far as Ashtanga Yoga is concerned, in 2016 she took a 50-hour intensive course with Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann in the Netherlands; later she did other intensive courses with Sharath Jois, Saraswathi Jois and Tim Miller.

She strongly believes in the importance of integrating Western and Eastern medicine in achieving and maintaining mental and physical well-being, especially in the area of addiction, her field of clinical practice and research.

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