


Our expert, Manuela Cellini, explains how to do the Mantice position: Lying supine, take three deep breaths, relaxing the body. Bend your knees, lifting your feet off the ground and grab them with your hands. Inhaling inflate the abdomen, knees away from the torso, exhaling bend your arms and bring your knees towards the chest.

Our expert, Manuela Cellini, explains the benefits of the tiger position: it tones the organs and abdominal muscles by relieving tension in the back, elasticizes and strengthens the entire spine, stretches the pelvis, eliminates back pain and increases breathing power. With the increase of the weight of the belly we tend to go in lordosis and Sardulasana also serves to correct this defect.

Manuela Cellini, Hata Yoga teacher of FIY, explains how to do the Position of the Dog: On all fours hands open as the shoulders, inhaling point the feet and lift the pelvis. Exhaling stretch your arms and legs pushing your heels to touch the ground. Stay for a few deep breaths.


With another exhalation exert traction with the arms, bend and extend the elbows and bring the forehead to touch the knees, then gradually bring the elbows and forearms in contact with the ground.

This position should be held for about five minutes by performing an abdominal breath, to dissolve it while inhaling slide your hands along the legs and slowly raise the head and torso back to sitting.

To practice Shavasana we lie supine on the ground, close our eyes, let go of any tension in the legs that spread slightly from the pelvis, the feet fall outward, the arms are left along the sides just separated from the body, the chin bends slightly towards the throat, the lips open.

Sardulasana: mini-sequenza

But above all I thank him for his friendship, his humility (the biggest and best I know), his sense of humor and his purity of heart. Writing this book with him has been a hero’s journey for me, a completely transformative experience.

The one-ink drawings inside the chakra, without you even realizing it. The one-ink drawings within the text are inspired by the stains of the Rochard test, in order to give the illustrations a psychoanalytical air, as well as to seek through the drawing the connection with the deepest part of oneself.

Perhaps due to my training as a journalist and the intention of making a very lively book, these pages count with the active intervention of other professionals from different fields, who in one way or another are related to the subject at hand: from psychotherapists who work on the harmonization of each energy center through psychotherapy or counseling, to doctors, yoga teachers, healers or other professionals who tell us about their experiences, discoveries and ways of understanding the chakra system. Some have collected their knowledge in books or courses they teach, others bring us their professional experience, but all their testimonies are equally valuable and enriching, so I did not want to miss the opportunity to offer them in this text. At the end of this work, as an appendix, the reader will find a directory of the professionals who work with chakras and the representatives of the appropriate therapies to heal each of the energy centers.

Sardulasana on line

Certain poses like the warrior pose can help relieve back pain. Women often experience back pain, leg pain, and insomnia during pregnancy, but through yoga, they can cure these prenatal ailments.

Prenatal yoga follows many basic elements of other styles of yoga, but with some modifications taking pregnancy into account. Generally, yoga exercises are often recommended for the first two months, with due changes in routine.

The practice of Ashtanga Yoga helps to cleanse and purify our whole body, helps to eliminate both physical and emotional tension and brings us closer to that initial state of purity in our lives. When we remove the veil that covers our mind, we are free and light, life smiles at us and we at life.

During the lessons children feel free and without blocks, they learn a discipline while having fun, moreover, yoga gives children balance and harmony forming a good basis for ensuring that in the future children can enjoy a healthy and happy adult life.

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