Yoga day treviso

Yoga day treviso

power yoga treviso

La giornata internazionale dello yoga viene celebrata in tutto il mondo il 21 giugno per diffondere la consapevolezza e il significato della salute fisica e mentale e anche i benefici della pratica dello yoga. In questo giorno centinaia e migliaia di eventi di yoga a Quinto di Treviso saranno ospitati. Si va dai seminari che spiegano quanto sia importante fare yoga in questo periodo o potrebbero essere delle lezioni di yoga a Quinto di Treviso che sarebbero progettate in base al tipo di pubblico e alle fasce d’età. Questa giornata internazionale dello yoga, prendete una lezione di yoga vicino a voi e sentite il cambiamento dopo; spiritualmente e fisicamente vi sentirete 10 volte meglio.

yoga villorba

There are people who do not pursue college education during their early days. For those who do, some of them do not continue with graduate education immediately after completing their first degree. These people have several reasons for not pursuing their studies at that time.

With a degree in Biological Sciences, I have worked in the field of rare genetic diseases and I am associated with the National Order of Biologists. Thanks to Yoko Yoga Center, I dedicated myself to the inner research. I continue with enthusiasm to deepen my studies, in particular on personalized nutrition.

I have been a Yoga and Meditation teacher since 1980. I am a graduate of the European Federation of Oriental Arts and specialize in Breath Yoga and Yoga for Childbirth Preparation and Back. I am also a Postural Gymnastics Instructor and a certified Yoga Alliance International Teacher.

yoga roncade

This is the third year that we are participating in this event as the MU Association, presenting the Biodynamic Craniosacral discipline.    Also this year we will be present all day with a stand of our school where we will give information about the discipline, training and offer trial sessions. We will also make a structured presentation of the discipline, connected to the theme of the day: “Orienting to Health in Stress and Emotions: Social Nervous System and Craniosacral Biodynamics”, conducted by Elisabetta Pesce and Giannina Sanzovo, tutors of the school.

yoga paths

As Mu Association, this year we will have our own booth where we will be available to offer trial sessions and information. We will also make a structured presentation of the discipline, led by Elisabetta Pesce and Giannina Sanzovo, tutors of the school: “Cranio Sacral Biodynamics: the function of the spine”.

In the meeting we will give information about the craniosacral system and discipline. We will explore the spinal column through body awareness exercises; finally we will guide a meditation to the fluid perception of the body and its central axis.

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